Now, I must disclose that mine was not a premiere private kindergarten with $10,000 annual tuition and a waiting list. My kindergarten was a quarter mile away, up a dusty road and taught by our neighbor Mrs. Jones. Our classroom was in the basement and recess was on the front lawn where there was always a fight over the homemade teeter totter. Supplies and field trips were minimal. The snack was a half slice of homemade wheat bread and tap water.
If I had been satisfied with the knowledge I acquired during my fifth year of life, I would still...
- Have a lifelong unrequited crush on Peter, the kid with the pumpkin noggin and a love for paste
- Believe that "holding it in" until recess was worth a gold star on my chart
- Be reading about Dick, Jane and Sally who only communicated in 3 letter words and were the most boring family on earth
- Be so gullible that I believe people like my Uncle Jake when he told me that a cockle burr was a porcupine egg and that if I tucked it in my armpit it would hatch
I moved on
soaking in knowledge like an organic sea sponge
growing and maturing until
now I too
can solemnly present the cockle burr of knowledge
to my newly minted kindergarten-aged grandson, Liam
so he can hatch his own porcupine of wisdom.
It's difficult to find cockle burrs
in AZ, I find. Did you save some from childhood? Sand burrs--heck yes. We got 'em. Your grandson will be so appreciative some day.
you were a ball of cute.
tuck it in your armpit? ouch.
*ahem* Yes, I believe we've all acquired similar gems of knowledge along the way. Mine was that swallowing tons of watermelon seeds does not a watermelon patch in your stomach make. It does, however, give you the runs.
And to add to Karen's comment...Mine was not to lick the ice tray.
PS. Liam looks like a winner!
I would still be cutting my bangs with blunt scissors. You were a darlin. Still are.
I would still be devising ways of skipping school.
Cute post. Teach him all he needs to know. :)
teehee! i hope he hatches a lovely fountain of wisdom with his pit pricker!
I was fortunate enough to have a kindergarten teacher for a mother, so I was entertained by tales of tiny folks for decades! I wish my mother would have wrote a book.
LOL What an awesome post.. Really enjoyed it :)
He He enjoyed this so much - and what a cute little girl you were:-)
I would be at an audio center with huge headphones on and wearing shorts under my dresses.
Have to state the obvious: Liam is adorable!
I was deprived. Never went to kindergarten. From your description it sounds like I actually kinda lucked out!
...or believing Uncle Dean (or Steve) when he tells you he lost his fingers because he picked his nose too much.
Oh, that Uncle Jake! a prickly sense of humor. Great post.:)
Ah, the tales they tell us when we are kids. I still remember the smell of the paint in infant school. And being sick in the classroom sink. And what came out being, for some reason, purple.
A Zigzag Road
I learned not to stick my tongue onto the poles of the monkey bars in winter.
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