Which leads me to today’s column (which you can also find on http://www.drudgereport.com ).
Our leaders in Washington have been furrowing their brows and spouting phrases like these on every channel.
“Can’t we disagree without being disagreeable?”
“We all need to adopt a more civil tone”.
Well excuse me, but that kind of namby pamby attitude is what gets you beat up on the playground. I say it is time to take off the gloves and ramp up the disagreeableness.

No one ever gets anything done in politics without getting mad about it.
I say,…Let the Wild Rumpus Start!
Okay, okay, so I made up that part about the Drudge Report
Totally love your blog! It is definitely a good laugh. Since I look forward to your family Christmas letter each December more than any other, your blog will help me endure the remaining eleven months of the year now with more ease. Thanks for making ordinary life seem much more exciting.
Hope its ok with you if I peek at your blog now and again...blame Memri, if you're angry. Such fun and what a fabulous writer you are!
Are you kidding? I LOOOOVE people reading my blog, and I especially LOOOOVE comments like yours...now what did you say again?
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